0 3 mins 7 yrs

Greetings once more to Jesus Christ family and Ntshebele readers. “Modimo ale tshegofatse” (God bless you).

Everyone has been wronged, offended, and sinned against at some point. How are Christians to respond when such offenses occur against them? According to the Word of God, we are to forgive others. Ephesians 4:32 declares, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Similarly,Colossians 3:13 proclaims, “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” The key in both Scriptures is that we are to forgive fellow believers as God has forgiven us. Why do we forgive? Because we have been forgiven! Our forgiveness of others should reflect God’s forgiveness of us.
How do we forgive?

In order to forgive those who sin against us, we must first of all understand God’s forgiveness. God does not just forgive everyone automatically with no preconditions—if He did, there would be nolake of fire in Revelation 20:14–15. Forgiveness, properly understood, involvesrepentance on the sinner’s part and love and grace on God’s part. The love and grace are there, but the repentance is often lacking. So, the Bible’s command for us to forgive one another does not mean we ignore sin. It means we gladly, gracefully, lovingly extend forgiveness to those who repent. We are always willing to forgive when given the opportunity. Not just seven times, but “seventy times seven” times (Matthew 18:22, KJV)

To forgive those who sin against us requires patience. Church has a command to “be patient with everyone (1Thessalonians 5:14)
Scriptures to help you forgive
Luke 6:27-28
Matthew 18-23:25

May God bless you

Let me take this time to thank my sister in the Lord, who has helped me in editing the sermon to transform you, my sister Kgaugelo Eunice Skosana. May God increase you abundantly in Jesus name.

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